From Kansas - The State Of Unexpected

Ready to Build? Kansas Has Your Site

Finding a certified, shovel-ready tract in the Sunflower State has never been easier.

Certified Site Development
Paola Industrial Park North and South are both certified sites. Combined, they have about 30 developable acres.
Courtesy of Kansas Department of Commerce

by Ron Starner

Kansas Certified Site designation makes gaining occupancy and achieving speed-to-market a whole lot easier and faster. Here’s how it works.

When you are in the market for a developable site, choosing a Kansas Certified Site takes all the guesswork out of the equation. By selecting a shovel-ready, certified site, the buyer knows that all key questions about the property have already been answered. These include questions about property ownership, environmental and cultural status, property access and community information, and details on all utilities.

Kansas currently has an inventory of 12 certified sites, with more on the way. These shovel-ready sites are in places like Independence, Wichita, Iola, Liberal, Dodge City and other business-friendly communities.


Certified Sites Dev BG-3

“It showcases our ability to partner with the private sector. We have two partner programs that we work with: Sunflower Electric and BNSF. ”

— Corrie Ann Campbell, Program Manager for Certified Sites, Kansas Department of Commerce



“It showcases our ability to partner with the private sector. We have two partner programs that we work with: Sunflower Electric and BNSF. They have different tools and requirements,” says Corrie Ann Campbell, program manager for certified sites at the Kansas Department of Commerce. “Sites can receive dual certification. The environment in Kansas is to work together for the good of us all. The application process has five components. It is an extensive process. We focus on land that is at least 10 acres in size.”

Paola Industrial Park South, at 13.63 acres, is the smallest parcel. The largest is New Century AirCenter East, near Kansas City, at 525 acres. Most of the other tracts range from 80 to 250 acres.

“Certification does not guarantee that the property owner’s site is going to be quickly purchased and developed. What we do intend is to get you to a point where your site can be developed and then shorten that time,” says Campbell. “Our 11 sites are all over Kansas. Some of our sites are small. Our largest site is the 525-acre New Century AirCenter East, offered by the Southwest Johnson County EDC. We also have a 244-acre site in Dodge City, and another 329-acre site is close to certification.”

Certified Sites Dev BG-qMatching funds are available to help smaller and rural communities go through the process of applying for site certification, Campbell notes. “Property owners must partner with their local community. The local EDO is the actual applicant. It is helpful to have one person spearhead it. They can then bring in multiple partners. The 101-acre Paddock Industrial Park site in Wichita is our best example. It is a privately owned site. They worked with the local EDO to go through the application process.” 

For more information on Kansas Certified Sites, go to www.kansascommerce.gov or scan the QR code on this page. 

Ron Starner
Executive Vice President of Conway, Inc.

Ron Starner

Ron Starner is Executive Vice President of Conway Data, Inc. He has been with Conway Data for 22 years and serves as a writer and editor for both Site Selection and the company's Custom Content publishing division. His Twitter handle is @RonStarner.


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