▼ COVER STORYCover design Sean ScantlandT H E M A G A Z I N E O F C O R P O R A TE R E AL E S T A TE S TR A TEG Y A N D E C ONOM I C D E V E L OP M E N TV O L U M E 6 4 , N U M B E R 1Conway and Site Selection, its agship magazine, turn 65 this year. Now, for the next 65.Conway Turns 65p.782 JANUARY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NSITE SELECTORS SURVEY: Amazon HQ2 26 THE SURVEYConsultants weigh in on key location drivers; D.C. wins a pre-announcement HQ2 straw poll. 32 THE PROCESSNew York and Virginia sprint to the fi nish line; Long Island City and Crystal City share the limelight. 40 THE CONTEXTCandid, in-depth analysis of the whole shebang from a top location specialist. 46 THE ROUNDTABLEConsultants reveal what they — and their clients — really think about the HQ2 drama.▼FEATURES 53 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT RANKINGSA regional look at top-performing states; the future of work. 67 BLOCKCHAINFour states are leading the way in embracing this disruptive technology. 69 FUTURE ENERGY HUBSKeep an eye on the Appalachian Basin. 76 FILM & ENTERTAINMENTWhere the “Action” is. 93 THE STATE OF THE STATESSite Selection’s annual compendium of state legislative activity, economic and demographic rankings and other intelligence to use throughout the year.CONTENTSJanuary 2019s i t e s e l e c t i on . co m ▼INVESTMENT PROFILES 13 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 20 CHANGXING, CHINA 49 FLORIDA 62 DETROIT REGION AEROTROPOLIS 74 PFLUGERVILLE, TEXAS 168 NASHVILLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 178 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY ▼DEPARTMENTS 4 EDITOR’S VIEW: Happy New Year to You, and Happy Birthday to Us 6 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP 199 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS8 IAMC INSIDER: A letter from the Chair; a fresh look at supply chain models. ▼SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION190 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING▼INTERNATIONAL UPDATE 18 ASIA PACIFICBombardier is in the right region for perfecting high-volume transportation solutions. 22 NORTH AMERICAN REPORTSAustin’s early Christmas gift; U.S. tech talent markets; Toronto’s new innovation hubs; Quebec’s AI play. 24 WORLD REPORTSAn ‘All-Britain’ railcar strategy, for now; Finland’s space-age library; mining in Greenland; Singapore lands a super-sized Facebook data center. 64 THE MIDDLE EASTSurprisingly strong economic growth can be found in this region. 72 WESTERN CANADABritish Columbia adds to its stem-cell-therapy credentials.▼AREA SPOTLIGHTS 170 TENNESSEEHow Nashville nabbed Amazon’s 5,000-jobs Operations Center of Excellence; what to know about Tennessee’s manufacturing landscape. 180 MICHIGANAnn Arbor’s unicorn points to a new entrepreneurial ecosystem in the works, and Silicon Valley is taking note. 187 ALABAMAWhere apprenticeship programs really work. 188 THE MIDWESTMuseums reveal the roots of local industries’ success. FOLLOW US! S I T E S E L E C T I O N JANUARY 2019 34 JANUARY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NEDIT OR’S VIEWHappy New Year to You, and Happy Birthday to UsMEMBERSite Selection (ISSN: 1080-7799) (USPS ), January 2019, volume 64 number 1. Published six times a year in January, March, May, July, September and November by Conway, Inc., 6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 USA. Periodical postage paid at Peachtree Corners, Georgia, and additional mailing offices. Single issue: $20 plus shipping. Annual subscription: $95 in the United States; $135 to non U.S. addresses. PRINTED IN USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Site Selection, 6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 USA.©2019 CONWAY, INC.BRAND REPORT CEO LAURA LYNE Conway President & Site Selection Publisher ADAM JONES-KELLEY Executive Vice President RONALD J. STARNER VP of Publications & Editor in Chief MARK AREND Managing Editor ADAM BRUNS Senior Editor GARY DAUGHTERS Managing Editor of Custom Content SAVANNAH KING Art Director SCOTT LARSEN Production Coordinator/Designer BOB GRAVLEE Lead Designers SEAN SCANTLAND RICHARD NENOFF NEGIN MOMTAZ Graphic Designer WHITNEY ONI Editorial Database Manager KAREN MEDERNACH Research Associates SPENCER BAUER, BRIAN ESPINOZA McKENZIE WRIGHTG L O B A L SA L E S & M ARK E TIN G Vice President of Sales CHARLES FITZGIBBON Vice Pres., Global Innovation GUILLERMO MAZIER Vice Pres. of Corporate Development PAUL TARRANTS Regional Director — Northeast US MIKE GLENNON Regional Director — Midwest US CATHY McFARLAND Regional Director — Southeast US HARRY NEILL Regional Director — Western US PAUL NEWMAN Regional Director — US MARGARET ROSE Regional Director KRISTIN PICKETT Global Director POLLYANNA TOWNSEND-ROSE Central America BOBBY PEREIRA, +507 6673 1160 China DRAGO NAPOTNIK, +86 151 2117 2762 Germany OLIVER OBERMANN, +49 (0) 341 90 97 90 00 Poland KATHARINA ARNOLD ROKITA, +49 (0) 176 1030 5508; +48 (0) 660 178 134 Japan HIROKO MINATO, +81 50 8882 3456 Korea CHUL LEE, +82 2 466 5595 Malaysia Y.T. SIA, +603 56110101; +6011 10108909 Thailand JANYA LIMMANEE +66 81 647 0121 Marketing Assistant CATHIE WENDT Client Services Manager BRIAN WATSON Marketing Manager STEPHANY GASPARD Staff Photographer SHAY LA’VEEB U S IN E S S D E PAR TM E N T Chief Financial Officer DEBBIE PORTERCI RCU L ATIO N Circulation Manager JULIE CLARKE DIG ITA L TECH N O L O GY TE AM Webmaster BEN YAWN Director of Programming & Analytics DANIEL BOYER Senior Programmer RENATO BYRRO IT Coordinator MARK BERTRAMThe publishers believe that the information contained in this publication is accurate. However, the in formation is not war ranted, and neither Conway, Inc., nor the Industrial Asset Management Council, assumes any liability or responsibility for actual, consequential or incidental damages re sulting from inaccurate or erroneous information. Site Selection incorporates Industrial Development.PHONE: (770) 446-6996 FAX: (770) 263-8825 TOLL FREE: (800) 554-5686EMAIL: editor@conway.com WEB: www.siteselection.come figured our 65th anniversary was a good time to celebrate the people who make this publication possible. You know what I look like, but now’s your chance to meet the other editors, the designers, sales and other staff who work tirelessly to keep Site Selection and its parent company, Conway Inc., the most authoritative and dynamic publishing concern in the economic development field. Conway President Adam Jones-Kelley’s overview of the last six-plus decades, and a look back at some past Site Selection covers — the winners and the really bad ones — will round out the nostalgia trip unique to this first issue of 2019.You’ll find familiar January issue content, too — our regional workforce development rankings and annual State of the States section with recent legislative activity and the latest demographic and economic data available for each state, for example.Oh, there’s coverage of HQ2 as well. Lots of it. But you would expect that from a magazine called Site Selection. And you’d expect the kind of reporting and analysis of it that only Site Selection delivers. To be honest, the topic was getting old. It’s not unlike the wall-to-wall coverage of Y2K in the late 1990s, when the world’s computers were going to grind to a halt at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2000. Remember? Y2K. HQ2. These codewords seem to require a “2.” But rather than the end of HQ2 coverage, it’s really the beginning. The New York City and Crystal City/Northern Virginia areas are in for quite a ride in the months and years ahead. So is Nashville, the winner of a key operations center and beneficiary of 5,000 new jobs in the coming years. That’s covered extensively in this issue, too.Instead of endless speculation about which of the 20 finalist metros would get the nod, which metros suddenly found bajillions of public dollars with which to craft incentive proposals and the merits or motives behind so public a city search, now there’s new material to plumb: How will the already-very-built-up Crystal and Long Island Cities — and their transit systems — accommodate the tens of thousands of new workers coming to town, for example? Ramifications of the split HQ2 decision are not even known yet. Positive or negative, we look forward to sorting them out in these pages so that future investors in projects large and small, and the areas hoping to host them, are wiser for it.We plan to keep doing that for at least 65 more years.Till next time,Mark Arend, Editor in ChiefW6 JANUARY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NStatement of Ownership,Management and Circulation(Required by the Act of August 12, 1970; Section 3685, Title 39, U.S. Code)1. Publication title: Site Selection2. Publication no.: 1080-77993. Filing date: Sept. 27, 20184. Issue frequency: Bi-monthly5. No. of issues published annually: 66. Annual subscription price: US$957. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: Conway, Inc., 6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092.8. Complete mailing address of the headquarters of general business offices of the publisher: Conway, Inc., 6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092.9. 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This statement of ownership will be printed in the January 2019 issue of this publication. 18. I certify that the above statements made by me are correct and complete: Debbie Porter, Director of Business & Finance, Sept. 27, 2018.Next >