< Previous138 MAY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NDyersburg/Dyer County Chamber2000 Commerce AvenueDyersburg, TN 38024Tim Climer, Chamber President & CEO731.285.3433dyerchamber.com Tennesee Valley Authority P.O. Box 292409OCP 6DNashville, TN 37229 John Bradley, Sr. V.P. ED615.232.6051tvaed.com TEXASBNSF Railway2650 Lou Menk Drive – MOB 2Fort Worth, TX 76131.2830Cary Hutchings, Director of Economic Development817.371.9834bnsf.comCedar Hill EDC285 Uptown Blvd. Bldg. 100Cedar Hill, TX 75104Allison Thompson, Dir. Econ. Dev.972.291.5132 ext. 5cedarhilledc.comCity of Azle613 Southeast PkwyAzle, TX 76020Karen Dickson, Econ. Dev. Dir.817.444.7076cityofazle.org City of El Paso Economic Dev.801 Texas Ave., City 3El Paso, Texas 79901Jessica Herrera, Director915.212.0000elpasotexas.govCity of Leander100 N. BrushyP.O. Box 319Leander, TX 78646512.528.2852Mark Willis, ED Directorleandertx.gov City of Mesquite1515 N. Galloway AveMesquite, TX 75149Kim Buttram, CEcD, Assistant Director of Economic Development972.216.6446cityofmesquite.comCity of Sugar Land ED2700 Town Center N. Blvd.Sugar Land, TX 77479Elizabeth Huff, Director281.275.2229sugarlandecodev.comCity of Waxachie401 South Rogers StreetPO Box 757Waxahachie, TX 75168Doug Brnes, Director of ED469.309.4122waxahachie.comCity of Wilmer Econ. Dev.128 N. Dallas AveWillmer, TX 75172David D. Miracle, CEcD, Exec. Dir.972.441.6373cityofwilmer.net/eco-nomic_development Entergy Texas, Inc.10055 Grogans Mill Rd.The Woodlands, TX 77380Steve Pilgrim, Dir. Business & Econ. Dev. 281.297.2204goentergy.com/texasFairview EDC372 Town PlaceFairview, TX 75069Dave Quinn, CEcD, Interim Community/Economic Development Manager972.886.4222fairviewtexasedc.comFort Worth Chamber of Commerce 777 Taylor St. #900Fort Worth, TX 76102Chis Strayer, Executive VP817.336.2491fortworthchamber.comGainesville EDC311 S. Weaver StreetGainesville, TX 76240Arleene Loyd, Exec. Director940.665.5241gainesvilleedc.comGreater Beaumont Chamber1110 Park St.Beaumount, TX 77701Bill Allen, Pres/CEO409.838.6581bmtcoc.orgGreater Conroe EDC505 W. Davis St.Conroe, TX 77301Danielle Scheiner, Exec. Dir. 936.538.7118gcedc.org Greater Port Arthur501 Procter StreetSuite 100Port Arthur, TX 77640 Floyd Batiste, CEO409.963.0579paedc.orgGreater San Marcos Partn ership1340 Wonder World Dr., # 108San Marcos, TX 78666Adriana Cruz, President 512.393.3400ecodevsanmarcos.orgHobby Area District8121 Broadway, Suite 199Houston, TX 77061Regina Lindsey, CEcD, Director of Economic & Community Development832.982.2006hadistrict.orgIrving Chamber of Commerce5201 N O’Connor Blvd. #100Irving, TX 75039.3709Beth Bowman IOM, CCE, President & CEO214.217.8484irvingchamber.comKilgore Economic Development Corp.1001 Synergy Blvd., 100Kilgore, TX 75662Amanda Nobles, Executive Director903.983.3522kilgore.edc.comLaredo Economic Development Corporation616 Leal StreetLaredo, TX 78041Olivia Varela, Pres. & CEO956.722.0563laredoedc.orgLindale EDC105 Ballard Dr., PO 127Lindale, TX 75771Susan Gill, CEcD, President903.882.5332lindaletexas.com Lubbock Economic Dev. Alliance1500 Broadway, 6th FloorLubbock, TX 79401John Osborne, CEO806.749.4500lubbockeda.orgMansfi eld Econ. Dev. Corporation301 South Main, Suite 100Mansfi eld, TX 76063Richard Nevins, Director of Economic Development817.728.3650mansfi eld-texas.comMarble Falls Econ. Dev. Corporation801 Fourth StreetMarble Falls, TX 78654Christian Fletcher, CEcD, Executive Director830.798.7079marblefallseconomy.comMcKinney Econ. Dev. Corporation5900 S Lake For-est Dr., #110McKinney, TX 75070Peter Tokar III, Pres. & CEO972.562.5430McKinneyedc.comMidland Dev. Corp.109 N. Main, 2nd Fl.Midland, TX 79701Sara Harris, Interim Executive Director432.253.8018midlandtxedc.com S I T E S E L E C T I O N MAY 2019 139New Braunfels EDCPO Box 311417New Braunfels, TX 78131Michael Meek, Pres.866.927.0905businessnewbraunfels.com Offi ce of the Governor Greg Abbott221 East 11th St., Ste. 400P.O. Box 12428Austin, TX 78711512.936.9405Bryan Daniel, Directorgov.texas.govOncor Electric Delivery1616 Woodall Rodgers Fwy.#5E.004Dallas, TX 75202Mike Cain, Dir. Econ. Dev.212.486.6323 thinkbigthinktexas.com Pasadena Economic Dev. Corporation1149 EllsworthPasadena, TX 77506Carlos Guzman, Exec. Dir.713.920.7966pasadenaedc.comPfl ugerville Community Dev. Corp.16225 Impact Way #2Pfl ugerville, TX 78660Amy Madison, Exec. Director512.990.3725pfdevelopment.comTomball Economic Development Corporation29201 Quinn Road, Suite BTomball, TX 77375Kelly Violette, CEcD, PCED, AICP, Executive Director281.401.4086tomballtxedc.orgTerrell Economic Dev. Corporation1314 W. Moore AvenueTerrell, TX 75160Ray Dunlap, PCED, Pres.972.524.5704terrelltexasedc.comTexas Econ. Dev. Corp.1005 Congress AvenueSuite 910Austin, TX 78701Bryan DanielExec. Director512.936.0100businessintexas.comThe Woodlands Area ED Partnership9320 Lakeside BlvdBuilding 2, Suite 200The Woodlands, TX 77381Gil Staley, CEO281.363.8130edpartnership.netUTAHUtah Governor’s Offi ce of Econ. Dev.60 East South Temple, 3rd FloorSalt Lake City, UT 84111Q. Val Hale, Exec. Director 801.657.0987business.utah.govVIRGINIACity of Danville, VAPO Box 3300427 Patton Street Danville, VA 24543Telly Tucker, CEcD, Director434.793.1753discoverdanville.comLoudoun County Dept Of Econ. Dev.1 Harrison Street S.E.P.O. 7000Leesburg, VA 20177Buddy Rizer, Exec. Director703.777.0426 or 800.LOUDOUNbiz.loudoun.govStaff ord Co. Econ. DevelopmentBox 3391300 Courthouse Rd Stafford, VA 22555John P. Holden, Director of Econ. Dev. & Tourism540.658.8681 gostaffordva.comVirginia Beach Econ. Dev. Dept. 222 Central Park Ave., Ste 1000Virginia Beach, VA 23462Taylor Adams, Interim Dir.757.385.6464 yesvirginiabeach.com140 MAY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NWASHINGTONPort of Vancouver USA3103 NW Lower River RdVancouver, WA 98660360.823.5330Mike Bomar, Director of Economic Developmentportvanusa.comTri City Development Council (TRIDEC)7130 W. Grandridge Blvd., Ste. AKennewick, WA 99336Carl Adrian, Pres. & CEO509.735.1000TryTri.Cities.orgWEST VIRGINIAWest Virginia Dept. of Commerce160 Association DriveCharleston, West Virginia 25311Mike GraneyExecutive Director, WV Development Offi ce304.558.2234WestVirginia.govWISCONSINCity of Whitewater Community Dev.312 W Whitewater StWhitewater, WI 53190Dave Carlson, CDA Director262.473.0148whitewater.wi.govFox Cities Regional Partnership125 N. Superior StreetAppleton, WI 54911Becky Bartoszek, President & CEO920.831.4905foxcitiesregion.com Madison Region Economic Partnership 455 Science Dr. #160Madison, WI 53711Paul Jadin, President608.571.0420madisonregion.orgWisconsin Econ. Dev. Corporation201 W. Washington Ave.Madison, WI 53703Coleman Peiffer, Business Attraction Acct. Mgr.608.210.6814InWisconsin.comINTERNATIONALCANADACalgary Economic Development731 1st Street SE, Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 2G9Robyn Bews, DirectorSales & Sector Dev.403.221.7895calgaryeconomicde-velopment.com City of Temiskaming Shores325 Farr Drive, PO 2050Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0, CanadaJames Franks, Economic Development Offi cer705.672.3363temiskamingshores.caEdmonton Econ. Dev. Corporation 3rd Floor, WTC Edmonton 9990 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 1P7Derek Hudson, Interim CEO780.424.9191 edmonton.comIgnite Fredericton40 Crowther Lane, Ste 100Knowledge Park, Frederic-tion NB E3C 0J1 CanadaLarry Shaw, CEO800.200.1180ignitefredericton.com Saskatoon Regional Econ. Dev. Auth. Inc.103.202 4th Ave. NorthSaskatoon, SKS7K 0K1 CanadaAlex Fallon, Pres. & CEO306.664.0720 sreda.comThunder Bay Community EDC201.34 Cumberland St. N.PO Box 800Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4L3 CanadaT. Douglas Murray, CEO807.625.3960thunderbay.ca/CEDC COSTA RICACosta Rican Investment Promotion Agency (CINDE) Plaza Roble Lose Balcones, 4th FloorEscazu, San Jose, Costa RicaJorge Sequeira, Exec. Director+506.2201.2800cinde.org CURAÇAOCuraçao Industrial & International Trade Dev. CompanyCURINDE N.V.Emancipatie Blvd Domini-co F. “Don” Martina # 17CuraçaoFiorina Hernandez a/o Daniel OleanaInvestment Promotion Department(599.9) 737.6000curinde.comCZECH REPUBLICCzechInvestStepanska 15, 120 00 Praha 2 Czech Republic Karel Kucera, CEO00420296342czechinvest.orgDUBAIDubai FDIP.O. Box 66166Dubai, United Arab EmiratesFahad Al Gergaqi, Chief Executive+971 4 4455964dubaifdi.gov.ae/EnglishESTONIAEnterprise Estonia (EAS)Lasnamäe 2, 11412 Tallinn, EstoniaAlo Ivask, CEO+372 5559 6816eas.eeGERMANYBADEN WÜRTTEMBERG INTERNATIONALAgency for International Economic and Scientifi c CooperationHaus der Wirtschaft – Willi.Bleicher.Str. 19 70174 Stuttgart – Germany Cornelia Frank, Head of Department, International Economic Cooperation and Location Marketing+49(0)711 227 87.18https://bw.invest.de/enInvest in BavariaPrinzregentenstraße 280538 MunichDr. Wolfgang Hubschle, Executive Director+49 89 2162 2642 invest.in.bavaria.comSaxony Anhalt ED Corp.Am Alten Theater 6D.39107 MagdeburgBettina Quaschning, Managing Director+49 391 568 990invest.in.saxony.anhalt.com HUNGARYHungarian Investment Promotion AgencyH.1055 Budapest, Honvéd u. 20.Robert Esik, CEO+36 1 872 66 34hipa.huISRAELInvest in Israel5 Bank of Israel Street S I T E S E L E C T I O N MAY 2019 141Jerusalem, Israel 91036Eyal Eliezer, CEO+97226662433investinisrael.gov.ilJAMAICAJAMPROTrade & Invest Jamaica18 Trafalgar RoadKingston 10, JAMAICADiane Edwards, President+1 877.JAMVEST (526.8378)jamaicatradeandinvest.orgJORDANAqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)PO Box Aqaba 2565Aqaba 77110 JordanPeter Marji, Deputy Dir.for Investment PromotionT: +962 3 209 1000aqabazone.comPBI Aqaba Industrial Estate LLPNew Dead Sea HighwayPO Box 784 Aqaba 77110 JordanMohammad Queisi, Business Dev. & Marketing+962 3 205 8000pbiaqaba.jo.com KUWAITKuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority Sharq, Al.Shuhada StreetAl.Hamra . Business Tower, Floor 44, P.O. Box 3690Safat, 13037 KuwaitMohammed Yaqoub, Asst Director General for Business Development965 220 54 050kdipa.gov.kw/en N. MACEDONIADirectorate for Technological Industrial Dev. ZonesPartizanski Odredi Blvd. No. 2, P.O. Box 311Skopje 1000, Republic of MacedoniaAleksandar Mlad-enovski, CEO+389.2.3111.166 http://fez.gov.mk/MOROCCOTanger Med ZonesFranche d’ Exportation de TangerRoute de Rabat TangerMrhardy Jaafar, General Manager+212 539 39 34 05tangermedzones.com/en/SOUTH KOREAGwangyang Bay Free Econ. Zone Authority (GFEZ) 1100 Indeok.roGwangyang.eup Gwangyang.si, Jeollanam South Korea 545.808Goo.Chang Jung, Executive Director82.61.760.5092 gfez.go.krTRINIDAD AND TOBAGOInvesTTLevel 19, Nicholas Tower63.65 Independence Sq. Port of Spain, Trinidad & TobagoChristopher Lewis, President868.368.0038investt.co.ttUNITED KINGDOMWest Midlands Growth Company Ground Floor, Basker-ville HouseCentenary Square, Broad Street Birmingham, West Midlands B1 2ND UK Neil Rami, Chief Executive44.121 202 5001 wmgrowth.comU.S. VIRGIN ISLANDSU. S. Virgin Islands Econ Dev. Authority116 King StreetFrederiksted, VI 00840Alicia Barnes, Asst. CEO(340) 773.6499usvieda.org142 MAY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NMcKinley “Mac” Conway, founder of Conway, Inc. and Site Selection Magazine, was truly an icon in the elds of corporate real estate and economic development. “Mac essentially invented economic development as it exists today,” wrote a rival publisher upon Conway’s death in .Site Selection’s Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development recognize the top local and regional economic development agencies in the U.S. for their roles in helping to deliver prosperity to their communities. is year’s Mac Conway Award winners (listed here alphabetically by group name) have been determined by an index that examines corporate facility investment projects in U.S. metro areas as tracked by Site Selection’s proprietary Conway Projects Database, part of the Conway Analytics toolbox. Scores are awarded based on six criteria: total projects, total investment associated with those projects and jobs associated with those projects. e remaining three criteria represent a per capita calculation of those same metrics.“We are part of the development process,” wrote Conway. “We play a role in the future. And we help bring a better quality of life to areas today.” In that spirit, Site Selection recognizes the groups who pursue that ideal as their daily mission. B2I: 2019 MAC CONWA Y AWARDSWe selected Charlotte because it off ers a great business environment along with access to a workforce that has the skillset Honeywell will need to be competitive over the coming decades.”— Darius Adamczyk, Chairman and CEO of HoneywellWe selected Charlotte because it We selected Charlotte because it We selected Charlotte because it CHARLOTTE REGIONAL BUSINESS ALLIANCESigni cant Projects:AvidXchange (automatic payments), Honeywell (technology), LendingTree ( nancial services)Programs & Initiatives:Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, of cially launched January 1, 2019, resulted from the merger of the Charlotte Chamber and Charlotte Regional Partnership. “The Charlotte Regional Business Alliance will be a robust and effective development engine by uniting exceptional and diverse strengths of all the counties in the Charlotte region,” says Jesse Cureton, chairman of the board. Services include project management, customized research, real estate and workforce development.Did You Know?Downtown Charlotte is known as “uptown.” It sits at a higher elevation than the rest of the city.Janet LebarCEOcharlotteregion.comMinvented economic development as it exists today,” wrote a rival publisher upon Conway’s death in .Site Selection’s Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development recognize the top local and regional economic development agencies in the U.S. for their roles in helping to deliver prosperity to their communities. is year’s Mac Conway Award winners (listed here alphabetically by group name) have been determined by an index that examines corporate facility investment projects in U.S. metro areas as tracked by Site Selection’s proprietary Conway Projects Database, part of the Conway Analytics toolbox. Scores are awarded based on six criteria: total projects, total investment associated with those projects and jobs associated with those projects. e remaining three criteria represent a per capita calculation of those same metrics.“We are part of the development process,” wrote Conway. “We play a role in the future. And we help bring a better quality of life to areas today.” In that spirit, Site Selection recognizes the groups who pursue that ideal as their daily mission. S I T E S E L E C T I O N MAY 2019 143COLUMBUS 2020Signi cant Projects:Olive, AEP, DollarTreePrograms & Initiatives:Columbus 2020 serves as the economic development organization for the 11-county Columbus region. Among its goals set in 2010 for the year 2020, the region already has added the targeted 150,000 net new jobs, has achieved its goal to generate $8 billion of capital investment and is on track to reach and exceed its goal to raise per capita income by 30 percent.Did You Know?With its easy river access, Columbus was designed and built to be Ohio’s capital. The city did not exist until an act of the Ohio legislature in 1812.Kenny McDonaldPresident & CEOcolumbusregion.comRoot’s growth since we were founded in 2015 is due in no small part to the strong talent we continue to fi nd in Columbus.”— Alex Timm, CEO of RootRoot’s growth since we were DALLAS REGIONAL CHAMBERFORT WORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCESigni cant Projects:General Electric, Qorvo, EquinixPrograms & Initiatives:Programs & Initiatives: Noting the Dallas Regional Chamber’s success at courting “HQ1”s from such rms as McKesson and Core-Mark, Mike Rosa, senior vice president, economic development, says the team in 2019 plans to increase its marketing trips and corporate calls by 50 percent. The Fort Worth Chamber has launched “Fortify,” a four-year development initiative whose goals include attracting four Fortune 1000 headquarters, attracting 20 Inc. 5000 companies and increasing business startups by 10 percent. Did You Know?The microchip was invented in Dallas on September 12, 1958, by Texas Instruments engineer Jack Kilby. With an average age of 31.5, Fort Worth is the youngest city in Texas.Dale PetroskeyPresident & CEOdallaschamber.orgAs we looked at the diff erent markets across the country where we wanted to expand, it was clear that the density and growth of Dallas, and the DFW area in general, was going to be our best bet.”— Matt Genes, CEO of Fit FactoryAs we looked at the diff erent Bill ThorntonPresident & CEOfortworthchamber.com144 MAY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NDETROIT ECONOMIC GROWTH CORPORATIONSigni cant Projects:Fiat Chrysler, Arbe Robotics, Flex-N-GatePrograms & Initiatives:DEGC’s land assembly strategy includes preparing various sized parcels for industrial and commercial use, including manufacturing, warehousing, R&D and other sectors. DEGC’s Business Development team is leading Detroit’s rst and only global commerce initiative.Did You Know?In 1879, Detroit became the rst city to assign individual phone numbers, thus making the party line outdated.Kevin JohnsonPresident & CEOdegc.orgDetroit has always moved the world, both in body and soul, through its industry and art. Our Detroit offi ce is an opportunity to build upon this rich history of innovation.”— Dug Song, CEO of Ann Arbor–based Duo Security, which shortly after announcing the new of ce was purchased by Cisco Systems for $2.35 billionDetroit has always moved the GREATER AUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCESigni cant Projects:Apple, Charles Schwab, Army Futures Command, ResidoPrograms & Initiatives:Opportunity Austin encompasses initiatives for economy, talent and place. Key target industries include advanced manufacturing, creative and digital media, clean energy, life sciences, data management, corporate headquarters and regional of ces. Through Opportunity Austin, the Chamber’s staff is able to provide speci c details for site selection processes.Did You Know?Hippie Hollow Park on Austin’s Lake Travis is the only nude beach in Texas.Michael RollinsPresidentaustinchamber.comOur success in Austin has been incredible, and we’re fortunate to be based in such a thriving, creative and supportive city.”— Max Hoberman, President of Certain Af nityOur success in Austin has been S I T E S E L E C T I O N MAY 2019 145GREATER DES MOINES PARTNERSHIPSigni cant Projects:Waldinger Corp., UPS, FacebookPrograms & Initiatives:The Greater Des Moines Partnership is collaborating with the City of Des Moines on a Downtown marketing campaign and has assisted efforts to create a Downtown Public Market.Did You Know?Ben Silbermann, founder of Pinterest, was born and raised in Des Moines.Jay ByersCEOdsmpartnership.comBritton began operations organically two-and-a-half years ago in Des Moines, and over that time we have seen extensive growth in the Iowa market.”— Jim Stockeland, President of Britton TransportBritton began operations Louisville’s pro-business attitude and diversifi ed economy make it the prime market for our fi rst geographical expansion beyond Central Ohio.”— Tom Harris, President & CEO of HMBLouisville’s pro-business attitude LOUISVILLE FORWARDGREATER LOUISVILLE, INC.Mary Ellen WiederwohlChieflouisvilleky.gov/government/louisville-forwardKent OylerPresident & CEOgreaterlouisville.comSigni cant Projects:Chewy, Inc., Haier, Heaven Hill DistilleriesPrograms & Initiatives:Louisville Forward aims to maximize Louisville’s potential for its 19 Opportunity Zones by providing concierge project management, offering incentives for projects in CDBG-eligible census tracts, and working to accelerate the permitting process. Greater Louisville Inc.’s Greater Louisville 2020 initiative seeks to recruit businesses, attract startups, grow employment, recruit and retain workforce and advocate for a strong business environment.Did You Know?Louisville is the starting point for Kentucky’s wildly popular 16- distillery Bourbon Trail.146 MAY 2019 SI T E S E L E C T IO NGREATER OMAHA CHAMBERSigni cant Projects:Mutual of Omaha, Nebraska Colocation Centers, YahooPrograms & Initiatives:CODE (Commitment to Opportunity, Diversity and Equity for Greater Omaha) seeks to address diversity, inclusivity, equity and access to opportunity in Greater Omaha. The Strategic 4Sight initiative works across the region to identify critical trends and plausible futures.Did You Know?Omaha is the birthplace of the TV dinner and the Reuben sandwich.David BrownPresident & CEOomahachamber.org is city continues to produce seasoned, hard-working professionals with top-notch transferable skills as well as college grads ready to start their careers in tech.”— Brent Brummer, VP Business Strategy of Sojern is city continues to produce GREATER PHOENIX ECONOMIC COUNCILSigni cant Projects:Infosys, Iron Mountain Data Centers, AerocircularPrograms & Initiatives:The Global Partnership Program is a collaborative and solutions-oriented initiative to help grow and support international business activity in the Greater Phoenix region. The GPEC Global Growth Accelerator helps international rms accelerate growth plans.Did You Know?Located in a county (Maricopa) about the size of New Hampshire, metro Phoenix is not only home to nearly 200 golf courses, but also the largest municipal park in North America: South Mountain Park and Preserve covers more than 16,500 acres and has more than 50 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian trails.Chris CamachoPresident & CEOgpec.orgWe decided to move our headquarters from California to Arizona after working closely with the Phoenix Economic Development Council due to its friendly government, pro-business stance and available technical talent due to a strong semiconductor base.”— Will Salhuna, President & CEO of RJR TechnologiesWe decided to move our GREATER OMAHA CHAMBER S I T E S E L E C T I O N MAY 2019 147Huntsville is the logical choice to locate the new production work on the AR1 engine.”— Eileen Drake, President & CEO of Aerojet RocketdyneHuntsville is the logical choice to HUNTSVILLE/MADISON COUNTY CHAMBERSigni cant Projects:LG Electronics, Star Belt, BOCAR GmbHPrograms & Initiatives:The Chamber Foundation’s Industry Insight Program focuses on the professional development of teachers, coaches, educators and counselors in the Huntsville, Madison County and Madison City school districts. Training conferences provide educators with information they need to prepare their students for career path opportunities in the region.Did You Know?The Mercury Redstone Rocket that lifted astronaut Alan Shepard into space was developed in Huntsville, also known as “Rocket City.”Chip CherryPresident & CEOhuntsvillealabamausa.comNext >