Among its long list of landmark infrastructure and industrial projects across the Middle East, El Seif Engineering Contracting Co., based in Saudi Arabia, counts several seawater desalination plants, including this US$35-million project for the Ministry of Water & Electricity in the United Arab Emirates.
Photo courtesy of El Seif Group
hrewd corporate facility planners have something new to add to their list of location factors. And alert area economic development executives in California, Texas, Florida and many other locations have a new competitive factor to consider.
Everyone knows that new industries and growing communities must have a dependable water supply in order to prosper. What if droughts, exhaustion of ground water sources, decline of lake or river levels or a combination of such factors threaten an area's water supply? Site-seeking firms may look elsewhere. Competitive areas may gain advantage.
Certainly, water conservation programs should come first. Many jurisdictions are already imposing water-use limits. That buys time but doesn't solve the basic problem. Others try drilling wells deeper and deeper until their aquifer is maxed out. Still other groups propose to pipe water from distant streams. Such short-sighted strategies can do incalculable damage to the environment.
Is there a better solution? The answer is emphatically "Yes!" There is absolutely no question about what must be done sooner or later. Many water agencies in the United States are going to have to adopt seawater desalting systems like those that have long since proven to be effective in the Middle East.
I have seen the results in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Where once there were bleak villages on barren desert sites there are now bright modern cities with tree-lined streets. There are homes with lush gardens. In the countryside there are productive farms.
I have visited the big desalting plant at Jubail, Saudi Arabia – a world model. I have seen the pipeline that carries a river of fresh water 200 miles (322 km.) inland to the capital city of Riyadh. I know from personal observation that desalted seawater has given a large region an entirely new future filled with opportunities. How can we not be impressed?
Certainly, desalted seawater is no secret. There are more than 7,000 desalination plants, mostly small ones, in operation worldwide. About two thirds are located in the Middle East and others are scattered across islands in the Caribbean and elsewhere. Citizens of Aruba, for example, boast about their high-tech water. I visited their plant that has for many years met the needs of a thriving tourist industry.
The largest plant in the U.S. is the pioneering $158-million project of the Tampa Bay Water agency. The project was let to contract in 1999 and after overcoming some technical problems in its early years is now performing well. Veteran wetlands consultant Robini Lewis has found no significant environmental problems.
A Challenge for Water Officials
As yet no U.S. water agency has undertaken a really big project comparable to those found along the Arabian Gulf. However the time has come for that kind of planning. The first obstacle is cost. We're talking about multi-billion dollar projects. Desalted seawater is expensive today and it will take time for improving technology to bring the cost down. That will give timid government officials and politicians excuses to delay action. Many will drag out the planning process for years, during which the cost of a plant and related distribution facilities may double or triple.
Fuel is a major factor. Desalt plants in the U.S. don't have access to cheap oil as do those plants in the Middle East. Planners of big new units in the Western U.S. need to think of energy from wind and solar installations. Along the Florida coast ocean energy could become important. The Gulf Stream is an enormous asset waiting to be used. Electric utilities that need cooling water may joint-venture such undertakings.
Today plans are under way in California for a seawater desalting plan to meet about one-half of the water requirements of Santa Barbara. A group that includes Bechtel and several utilities has proposed to build a desalting plant near San Diego to produce 100 million gallons per day of potable water. A private developer has built a small plant on Catalina island. North of San Francisco, Marin County is considering a seawater unit.
Texas is also active. A $2-million pilot plant has been built at Brownsville to explore ideas for a $150-million installation planned for 2010.
Obviously, coastal states have a big advantage in coping with future water needs. There are many cities sitting at the ocean's edge and many more nearby. There will be major problems with inland cities. Sooner than we think it will be necessary to build pipelines to some of them. Right now Las Vegas is planning a $2-billion 300-mile (483-km.) pipeline to bring water from rural northeast Nevada counties to the city.
Booming Orlando has been expecting to meet future water needs by piping water from the St. Johns and other rivers in northern Florida. However, this scheme is strongly opposed by ecologists. After the expensive environmental mistakes of the cross-Florida barge canal and manipulation of the Everglades, the state may be hesitant to approve any more drastic changes in natural flow patterns.
Thus, Orlando could be the first large inland city in Florida to resort to a seawater system, as difficult as that might be. There would be powerful opposition to building a large desalting plant at the nearest point on the East Coast where it might conflict with the NASA launch complex. An offshore site might work.
Atlanta's Water Problems
I am astonished to report that at this moment the Atlanta area is threatened with a water crisis. Way back in the 1950s I was chairman of the planning commission in DeKalb County, the fastest-growing entity in the Atlanta metro area. I then served two terms in the Georgia Senate dealing with current and impending problems. Later I was chairman of the Georgia Science and Technology Commission that received planning studies from groups of experts. In none of these positions did I ever hear of a possible long-term water shortage for Atlanta.
Even so, in 1987 I made a speech, "Atlanta As A World Class City," in which I said, "All of Atlanta's great prospects could be shattered by a water shortage. We must invest in another dam, or whatever is required to make absolutely certain that we have a more than adequate supply." That fell on deaf ears. There was no water shortage then.
What happened? A population explosion accompanied by an extended drought of unprecedented severity has lowered water levels drastically in Lake Lanier and Lake Allatoona – two huge reservoirs serving the area. Will Atlanta, 300 miles (483 km.) from the ocean, someday have to turn to seawater?
Long-range climate forecasts predict such water shortages for many cities throughout the nation. These problems can only be solved via expensive new systems that require years to plan and build. This is not easy to sell. Politicians prefer short-range projects. They want to pose cutting the ribbon opening the new highway before they come up for re-election. Projects that can show nothing but a big muddy hole in the ground at election time are not so popular.
Long delays are also very expensive. In the 1960s I was co-author of the senate bill launching MARTA, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. It was a very timely move. Unfortunately the officials involved did not get actual construction under way until about 10 years later. During that time high-rise buildings were located in the planned right-of-way and the cost was more than doubled.
It will be interesting to see which corporations and areas in the U.S. seize the opportunity to lead in developing seawater systems. We will also be watching to see if new "Aqua Cities" built around desalting plants bring new life to sites in the Sonoran, Atacama, and Sahara deserts – as we proposed in our trilogy
Three Tomorrows published in 2004.
Looking Far Ahead
Will large numbers of seawater desalting plants cause new problems? Of course they will. All big projects bring headaches. However, the desalting plants that could in each case raise site problems may in the aggregate solve a huge global problem – the rise of sea levels due to global melting. (Check our report "
Are Your Expansion Plans Affected by Global Melting?" in the March 2007 issue of
Site Selection).
One of our safest predictions is that the manufacture and distribution of fresh water will become one of the world's biggest businesses.
McKinley Conway has authored more than 40 books on development strategies. A former Georgia Senator, he is Chairman of Conway Data, Inc. For more information, Google him.
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