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From Site Selection magazine, November 2003

Dear IAMC members and prospective members:

Bob Zane

IAMC is off to an incredible start. I don't think any of those who sat in the initial brainstorming sessions that launched the organization thought we could accomplish as much as we have in just a little over 18 months. Our success is a credit to our initial leadership team and a well-focused approach toward building a positive membership experience.

        To date, we have held three increasingly successful Professional Forums, established our communication infrastructure and published our first research-driven professional education piece. Just as importantly, IAMC finished its first year with a positive balance in the bank. Not only are we putting a quality product in front of our members, we are doing so in a fiscally responsible manner. We have every reason to be proud of our first year.

        Now is the time to increase our services and increase our membership while continuing to produce top-notch professional education opportunities. To this end, you will see strong member-driven programming with regional distribution.

        We will continue to present the finest Professional Forums possible and produce better year-round professional education pieces. Our focus will stay on industrial and manufacturing corporate real estate issues. The networking opportunities afforded by IAMC for our Active members with our Service Provider and Economic Development Associates will continue to be among the best to be found anywhere. And our programs and services will continue to be developed in a manner that will keep them right on target.

        Finally, we will continue to grow, and we will continue to serve our members with the highest levels of programming and integrity. I am looking forward to working with you, the valued members of IAMC, as we continue to serve the needs of the industrial and manufacturing corporate real estate community.

        Thank you for allowing me to serve as your 2004 Chairperson.

Warmest regards,

Robert F. Zane
Group Director, Real Estate Operations
Campbell Soup Co.

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