From Site Selection magazine, November 2003
Expanded Bonus Web Edition

Oklahoma Dept. of Commerce
Ron Bussert, Executive Director, 405-815-6552


        Certain ethanol facilities are now eligible for income tax credits.
        R&D companies and related laboratories can now locate anywhere in the state and be eligible for the Small Employer Quality Jobs Incentive Act. In addition, for these companies, the 75-percent out-of-state sales requirement is waived.
        A special incentive was authorized, in the form of cash payments under the Quality Jobs program, for tire manufacturers, based on jobs retained within an existing facility.
        Clarification of a federal law enables acceleration of federal income tax depreciation by 40 percent for investments occurring within former Indian Lands, which make up two-thirds of the entire state. In addition, a tax credit equal to 20 percent of increased wages, up to $4,000 annually, is available to employers of Native Americans.
        Funding has been increased for the Training for Industry program, as well as for aerospace training in particular. The aerospace industry employs some 143,000 Oklahomans.
        The University of Tulsa's Center for Information Security has partnered with Oklahoma's CareerTech and Community College systems to provide a full curriculum and career path for cyber security and forensics technicians. CareerTech is also reaching out to high school students with pre-engineering programs designed to help meet the corporate demand for engineers. Meanwhile, the High Plains Technology Center in Woodward is expanding its training program for the oil and gas industry to more advanced levels, thanks to a $1.5-million grant.

Oregon Economic and Community Development Dept.
Marty Brantley, Director, 503-986-0123


        Several initiatives were passed to increase the quantity, availability and ensured readiness of industrial lands. In addition, the conversion of abandoned mill sites has been streamlined through improved regulatory coordination and building codes.
        The state's property tax abatement, taxable income exemption and enterprise zone programs have widened their scope to allow for more participation.
        A transportation bill intended for major bridge and road repairs across the state is expected to raise some $2.5 billion in the next 10 years, through a vehicle registration fee hike from $30 to $54 and vehicle title fee hike from $30 to $55.
        In September, a 1-percent lodging tax, intended to fund tourism programs, was sent to Gov. Ted Kulongoski's office. The tax is expected to generate some $10 million annually.

Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Dev.
Dennis Yablonsky, Secretary, 717-787-3003


        The Business in Our Sites program creates a $300-million revolving loan fund for acquisition and preparation of key development sites in areas heretofore limited by their lack of read-to-build locations.
        The research and development tax credit is proposed to be increased from $15 million to $60 million.
        The Pennsylvania Opportunity Real Estate Account provides $250 million, matched by private investors and foundations, for mezzanine capital to redevelop real estate assets in small to mid-sized communities.
        The tax increment financing loan guarantee fund will now extend to all communities in the state.
        Large-scale public infrastructure projects that have an economic development impact will be eligible for part of a $500-million fund.
        Keystone Innovation Zones will be established by public-private partnership in order to improve and support the state's R&D and technology commercialization efforts.
        The Partnership for Regional Innovation in Manufacturing Education (PRIME), launched in 2000, offers two- and four-year degree programs in engineering and technology tracks, through a partnership between three community colleges and two universities. Much of the programs' interactive learning takes place at the $4-million Computer Integrated Engineering Enterprise-Learning Factory at Robert Morris University near Pittsburgh, but each campus offers its own mix of resources. Around 60 companies offer curriculum feedback and partnership. The program's first students graduated in December 2002. Outreach efforts have included the Manufacturing Pathways Initiative, a summer camp mixing classroom and industrial internships that is coordinated by PRIME, the Pittsburgh Technology Council and Catalyst Connection.

Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co.
Héctor Jiménez-Juarbe, Executive Director, 787-765-2900

Puerto Rico

        Manufacturing cluster development is being promoted through two new organizations: the East Central Technological Initiative and the Puerto Rico TechnoEconomic Corridor. In addition, the Puerto Rican Biotech Alliance has formed to provide the cross-over training needed for its thousands of pharmaceutical workers to make the transition to the growing world of biotech.
        In August, a coalition of government, academic and industry leaders announced their intention to raise $14 million to build an Excellence Center for Advanced Technology (ECAT) in Barceloneta for the continuing education of personnel in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.
        The University of Puerto Rico is in the midst of creating a new microarray analysis center, a bioinformatics center and a clinical proteomics center.

Rhode Island Econ. Dev. Corp.
Michael McMahon, Executive Director, 401-222-2601

Rhode Island

        In April, new Governor Donald Carcieri formed the One-Stop Economic Development Council, bringing together six different agencies in order to streamline regulatory processes and act quickly on prospective opportunities. The action was immediately useful in negotiations with Amgen over a needed wastewater treatment facility.
        The state has pledged some $125 million to support major infrastructure projects primarily financed through federal Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle (GARVEE) bonds totaling $585 million.
        Plans are under way to fund a new biotech training center at the University of Rhode Island.

Continue to: South Carolina . . .

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