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September 2010

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From Site Selection magazine, September 2010

Dublin, Ohio: Top Seven in the World for Broadband

Optical Infrastructure
The state-of-the-art Dublin Methodist Hospital accesses the City of Dublin fiber network to interconnect with all OhioHealth facilities throughout Central Ohio. Dublin Methodist Hospital is one of the few paperless hospital environments in the country.

ublin, Ohio's optical fiber network has put the city on the global map when it comes to best practices in broadband deployment, knowledge workforce development, digital inclusion, innovation, and marketing and advocacy. The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), a New York-based broadband consultancy group, named Dublin one of the Top Seven Intelligent Communities in the world for 2010. Recognition as an ICF Top Seven community has placed Dublin, Ohio on the international stage and is attracting tech-minded individuals and companies who value high-quality broadband infrastructure.

DubLink is Dublin's broadband infrastructure consisting of more than 100 miles of optical fibers and 24 square miles of Wi-Fi. DubLink is a public-private partnership between the City of Dublin, the Fishel Company and HighSpeedAir. It is just one example of the many innovative services Dublin, Ohio offers its residents and corporate community.

DubLink was started as an underground conduit system to accommodate optical fiber-based services thereby enabling the rapid deployment of competitive and redundant voice, data and video communications systems. This high-speed network provides instantaneous access to the global marketplace, and businesses have the opportunity to choose from among multiple competitive service providers or lease fiber capacity.

The city also has dedicated optical fibers to companies such as OhioHealth for their exclusive use. As an example, OhioHealth interconnected many of its hospitals, billing centers and headquarters located throughout Central Ohio using DubLink fibers. Dublin's 120-mile optical fiber system is 100 percent underground and has access to two carrier hotels, three Central Offices and eight Points of Presence, or POPs, providing significant redundancy and capacity to the global Internet. Other companies such as the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), IGS Energy and Battelle also utilize the city's optical fiber infrastructure.

In addition, the City of Dublin joined forces with the Ohio Academic Research Network (OARnet), in establishing the Central Ohio Research Network (CORN) linking education and commerce for research and economic development. Dublin's optical fiber route connects directly to the Ohio Supercomputer. Through this connection, OARnet, the most advanced statewide research network in the country, links Ohio's colleges and universities, research labs, and hospitals via 1,850 miles of high-speed broadband. The connection provides a dedicated research network to enable businesses, government and schools to connect directly to the Ohio Supercomputer, and institutes of higher learning and research.

DubLink's optical fiber system is connected to Bluemile, a carrier hotel and cloud computing center, and to DataCenter.BZ, a Tier IV, carrier-neutral data center. Any users of the Dublin-owned optical fibers can access these facilities for the purpose of interconnecting to other major carriers at a very low cost. This enables these users to avoid costly carrier charges and pay only interconnectivity fees. Additionally, cloud computing and other services enhancing Dublin businesses' computing needs are made available by these facilities.

Earlier in 2010, the city, in partnership with HighSpeedAir, completed the construction of a 24-square-mile Wi-Fi system covering the City of Dublin. This unique public/private partnership with HighSpeedAir, which deployed and manages the city-owned Wi-Fi network, enables residents, businesses and city operations to gain access to the Wi-Fi network. This system provides mobility options, and both primary and redundant systems for businesses and residents alike.

As technology-based companies seek new locations, broadband is as vital to their location decision as freeway access and other utilities. Forward-thinking, intelligent companies will find those assets and more in the City of Dublin, Ohio — one of the Top Seven Intelligent Communities in the world.

For more information on the City of Dublin Economic Development, visit or call 614-410-4618.

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