Site Selection magazine
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July 2013

Cover Story
Technology Centers
Research & Science Parks: All Inclusive: How areas of innovation are challenging and changing the model for research and science parks.
Technology Centers
University Research Parks
Contributions and Challenges
Green Guide 2013 - Sustainability Rankings
It's Only Natural
Converging trends drive sustainable territories to the top of our annual rankings.
Advanced Manufacturing
Will Advanced Manufacturing Keep Advancing?
All indications say, 'Yes,' especially in the U.S.
Data Centers
Fields of Dreams
Facebook, Google and Yahoo find the central U.S. to be the right fit for their supersized data centers of the future.
Renewable Energy
Answering The Call
Analysis and modeling of renewables will help Verizon in rugged terrain and back at the office.
Food Processing
Where is Nestlé Not Investing?
A German project illustrates the confidence this conglomerate has in the underlying strength of Europe.
Investment Profile
E&E Sector Hears a Higher Calling
Investment Profile
The Taxman Leaveth: How Albuquerque is winning the hearts and minds of over-taxed executives and their companies.
Investment Profile
'Our Clients Prefer a Malaysia Location': How multinationals' new and expanding data centers are helping transform Malaysia into a high-tech, knowledge-based economy.
Investment Profile
Florida's Heartland
Fertile Fields: From multinational giants to technology entrepreneurs, Florida’s Heartland region beckons investment capital to locations primed to grow.
Investment Profile
State of Reinvention: Gov. Snyder very quickly gives Michigan's business climate an extreme makeover.
Investment Profile
Toledo, Ohio
No Assembly Required: Interlocking logistics assets multiply returns and reduce process time in Greater Toledo.
Investment Profile
Seal of Approval
AEP follows a systematic approach to qualify sites for data centers.
Investment Profile
Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
The Right Chemistry: Saxony-Anhalt provides the mix for firms in the chemical-plastics sector.
Special Advertising Section
Trade Coast
West Coast Ports and Economic Development Zones
Special Advertising Section
Zones Of Opportunity
Zones of Opportunity: Experiencing a Net Gain
North American Reports
Hey Lolly Lollicup, Powered by Muncie, Motos and Macintoshes Rev Up in Texas, and more
World Reports
More pellets, please!
EU subsidies for biomass will generate more investments in the US wood industry and intensify the search for favorable wood pellet plant sites.
United Kingdom
EY Survey
UK inward investment up 2.7% -- despite decline across Europe and increasing competition from Germany
Made in Germany
IBM expands local IT services
Eastern Europe
New Kid on the Block
Croatia, the European Union's newest member, has a ways to go before it can offer investors the predictability they expect in the rest of the market.
U.S.-Mexico Border Corridor
A Very Busy Two-Way Street
Let's focus on what works in our relationship with Mexico.
Atlantic Canada
As East As It Gets
Newfoundland and Labrador leads the way in a region capitalizing on energy, resources and growing attention from overseas investors.
Editor's View
Reader Survey
We're on the Right Track
New Jersey
The Perfect Storm Aftermath
New Jersey lays groundwork for rejuvenated economy following devastating losses caused by superstorm Sandy.
Mission Accomplished
An Australian company joins Oklahoma’s aerospace cluster as the state prepares for a coming boom in the unmanned aerial systems sector.
Faith, Fire and Falcons
Arkansas is a lot more than ground zero for everyday low prices. Three companies explain why.
Next Generation
Two projects showcase a state's twin penchants for tradition and innovation.
Pacific Northwest
Infrastructure Team Will Expedite Northwest Energy Projects
Collaborative processing will help spur projects, create jobs.
Rocky Mountain States
Grow If You Want To
Listen to the guides and they'll tell you: The Rockies are a nice place to launch.
Certifiably Ready
The nation's first 'work ready' community has overcome more in the past two years than most communities will have to in a lifetime.
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