Site Selection magazine
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January 2019

Sapphire Anniversary
A Commitment to Connect
They say the phrase “aging gracefully” is just a nice way of being told you’re slowly looking worse. We respectfully disagree. At 65, we’ve never looked better.
State of the States 2019
State of the States
Our annual 50-state report takes you on a guided tour of economic development laws, leaders, policies, indicators and projects from the past year.
Workforce Development Rankings
The 2019 Regional Workforce Development Rankings
Show me a governor who doesn’t take advantage of every opportunity to invest in the next generation workforce, and I’ll show you a state that won’t be competitive.
Site Selectors Survey - Amazon HQ2 - The Survey
Show Me The Workforce
Site Selectors say job skillsets are the driving factor in location decisions.
Site Selectors Survey - Amazon HQ2 - The Process
Eastern Promises
How Amazon turned the world upside down to deliver HQ2 packages to New York and Virginia.
Site Selectors Survey - Amazon HQ2 - The Context
One for the Ages
While over-the-top and in-your-face as only an Amazon could pull off, HQ2 is very much in sync with the heightened trend of corporate headquarters mobility.
Site Selectors Survey - Amazon HQ2 - The Roundtable
Post-Amazon World — Say Goodbye to Public Auctions
Site consultants use TrustBelt to call for better economic development practices.
Future Energy Hubs
Will the Appalachian Basin Be the World’s Next Energy Hub?
According to the Appalachian Regional Commission, over 40 percent of the retired coal-fired capacity can be found in Appalachia.
Film & Entertainment
Every Picture Tells a Story
The latest film and TV statistics show which territories are seeing the most 'Action.'
Who’s In For Blockchain?
A look at some of the states that are leading the way.
San Bernardino County
Masters of Apprenticeship
San Bernardino County companies and institutions show the rest of the world how a regional approach works best for upskilling and growing the workforce.
Changxing, China
Location, Location, Changxing
Not far from Shanghai lies a Chinese county, and a development, that are quickly becoming magnets for foreign direct investment.
Mind Games
How Florida uses university-employer alliances to reshape the workforce.
Tennessee Valley Authority
The Power of Persuasion
How TVA helped recruit a Belgian bus maker to a town in Tennessee.
Pflugerville, Texas
The Pfab Pfour
How a quartet of leaders is transforming Pflugerville into an economic juggernaut.
Detroit Region Aerotropolis
You Are Cleared to Land
Where mobility assets on the ground add lift to R&D operations.
Nashville International Airport
Ceiling Unlimited
A Blueprint for Airport & Regional Growth
Advanced Manufacturing
R&D, Ecosystems and VC Prove Central to Innovation
Businesses account for the lion’s share of R&D spending, an accelerating trend across leading nations.
Asia Pacific
Mobility Solutions for the Masses
Multiple projects show why Asia is a key growth location for Bombardier’s rail systems business.
The Middle East
So Much Winning
Look beyond the conflict headlines, and there’s real economic growth under way.
Western Canada
Stem Cell Therapies - Made in Canada
If you didn’t know any better, you might think every plant or life sciences project in Canada is being driven by cannabis legalization.
Editor's View
Happy New Year to You, and Happy Birthday to Us
  We figured our 65th anniversary was a good time to celebrate the people who make this publication possible.
IAMC Insider
Cornerstone Streamlines Member-to-Member Information Sharing
Over time, the Corporate Active membership has become a community whose members share information with a high degree of confidence.
World Reports
A Spanish company’s huge, but conditional, railcar manufacturing project in Scotland; a landmark library in Helsinki; and more.
North American Reports
Apple in Austin; Forrester's tech talent capitals; new hubs from Accenture and Amazon in Toronto; 900 jobs from Element AI in Montreal; and the latest survey findings in the country mouse vs. city mouse debate.
Who Are These Guys?
Ann Arbor’s growing tech community is making a name for itself.
The Waiting Game Is Over
How Amazon’s Nashville pick ended a lot of anticipation in Tennessee.
The Test of Success
Alabama’s roaring auto industry intensifies workforce strain, but apprenticeship is gaining ground.
Living History
Museums and historic sites across the heartland have historic ties to industry, but their neighborhoods aren't living in the past.
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