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January 7, 2021

Editor’s View: A Time to Look Forward

The month of January, Editor in Chief Mark Arend reminds us, was named for the Roman god Janus, who looks backward and forward at the same time.

December 17, 2020

IAMC Insider: Highlights of IAMC’s First Virtual Forum

Many of you attended IAMC’s first Virtual Forum on September 14 and 15. If you were there, I hope you enjoyed it and benefited from the professional development programs. Piecing together anecdotal evidence with data from the post-event survey, we have strong indications the conference was highly valued by most of the participants. Overall, they […]

November 2, 2020

Editor’s View: Come In Out of the Rain!

Editor in Chief Mark Arend says all sorts of site selection criteria can be quantified, but certainty and predictability you feel in your bones.

October 26, 2020

IAMC Insider: An Action Orientation Is Not Enough

IAMC Chair Colleen Caravati says an action orientation is not enough. Concern counts too. And We learn from IAMC corporate end user members about COVID-19 supply chain solutions.

August 24, 2020

IAMC Insider: Take the High Road

IAMC Chair Colleen Caravati on taking the high road; and insights on getting back to work from trucking firm Werner Enterprises, Hershey Company and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission.

June 25, 2020

IAMC Insider: IAMC Supports You

IAMC Chair Colleen Caravati details the ways IAMC is there to support its members during the pandemic. John Salustri talks to company leaders about force majeure and getting along with landlords.

April 30, 2020

IAMC Insider: How Real Estate Execs Are Coping Under FASB Reporting Changes

Back in 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board promised to “upgrade” (to use its term) lease reporting standards, with the goal to “improve financial reporting about leasing transactions, and in so doing gain greater transparency for investors and other stakeholders.” IAMC members report that the upgrades did the trick, and transparency to investors has improved. […]

February 24, 2020

IAMC Insider: Biloxi Forum Programs and Speakers: A Preview

I’ve been attending Professional Forums since the fall of 2012 in Omaha, Nebraska. I remember the inspirational speaker there was Erik Weihenmayer, the first blind person to climb Mount Everest. Since Omaha, Professional Forums have evolved from events principally offering high-level, high-value networking toward conferences that include, as well, an array of current-issue CRE professional […]

January 9, 2020

Editor’s View: London Calling

Editor in Chief Mark Arend gains some keen insights into Brexit from an old friend on the other side of the pond.