2 MARCH 2017 SI T E S E L E C T IO NCONTENTSMarch 2017T H E M A G A Z I N E O F C O R P O R A TE R E AL E S T A TE S TR A TEG Y A N D E C ONOM I C D E V E L OP M E N Tt FEATURES 12 BIOPHARMACEUTICALSIAMC and SIOR deliver a blueprint for the flexible biopharma facility of the future. 24 GLOBAL ICTAn exclusive interview yields insights into GE Digital’s global facility footprint. 31 AIRPORT CITIESNot everyone is sold on the “Aerotropolis” model of airport-area development. 48 DATA CENTERSFacility location and expansion is characterized by hyperscale investment, portfolio acquisitions and sustainability. 58 HEADQUARTERSWhy are certain US and European locations capturing so many headquarters projects? 136 AGRIBUSINESSA global farm equipment manufacturer rethinks its property portfolio for 2017.V O L U M E 62 , N U M B E R 2Pictured on the cover, clockwise from upper right, are Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin. Together these five leaders placed in the top three in both Governor’s Cup competitions. Cover design by Richard Nenoff 68 TOTAL PROJECTS BY REGION 86 PER CAPITA PROJECTS BY REGION 90 GLOBAL & U.S. GIANTS 92 TOP METROS 113 TOP MICROPOLITANS 132 TOP INDUSTRIES 60 THE 2016 GOVERNOR’S CUPSTexas and Nebraska pair up again as winners of the Governor’s Cups for total new projects and projects per capita, respectively. The two also shared top billing for economic development success in 2013. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts outline their strategies for maintaining project momentum, refining and refunding key incentives programs and running their economic development operations — and states — like the businesses they seek to attract do.t COVER STORY 1703TOC.indd 22/28/17 8:09 PM
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