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March 1, 2000


SiteNet The Internet’s premier source of corporate real estate and economic development information ? The executive’s portal to the latest commercial real estate news and stock market indices. ? Gateway to the GeoFacts Library and all other web sites managed by Conway Data, Inc. ? Delivers over 7,250 pages to industry professionals every business […]

March 1, 2000

IDRC Abstracts

Abstracts of recent major presentations of the International Development Research Council (IDRC), the world’s preeminent corporate real estate association. “Technology and the Future Workplace,” IDRC Tennessee World Congress, Oct. 18-19, 1999: Jim Keane, Steelcase vice president of corporate strategy and R&D, provided this workshop audience with an insightful look at the workplace/technology intersection. “Advances in […]

March 1, 2000

Watching Where Your Money Goes

Watching Where YourMoney Goes Lowest-Cost EU Labor in Portugal, Greece, Ireland Europe’s lowest hourly labor costs are in Portugal (US$6.25), Greece ($9.83) and Ireland ($14.13), while Germany, Austria and Belgium are Europe’s highest-cost labor locations, reports Eurostat (, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. Hourly rates vary as much as $20 among the 14 […]

March 1, 2000

Workplace Management: Mastering the Corner of Space and Strategy

IDRC’ s blue-ribbon powwow in Nashville spotlighted a host of workplace innovations that add competitive edge. Above all, though, space must fit strategy. “The evolution of the built environment over the next 50 years will shape the future of our society, creating new patterns of geographical distribution and human activity.” — Landscape of Change At […]

March 1, 2000

Keith Busse’s Steel Dynamics Casts Its Steelmaking Future in Indiana

Keith Busse’s Steel Dynamics Casts Its Steelmaking Future in Indiana b y     T R A C Y     H E A T H Recovering, competitive, vibrant — these probably aren’t the first words to come to mind when you think of the North American steel industry, but that’s exactly what it has become, says […]

March 1, 2000

Buyer Beware: Expect Urges Tactical, Not Pervasive, Systems Integration

Buyer Beware: Expert Urges Tactical, Not Pervasive, Systems Integration b y     M A R K     A R E N D This report begins a short series on how real estate managers can implement integrated systems without purchasing and installing too much technology. Knowing the difference is a valuable asset. The recent date change […]

March 1, 2000

Payoffs Spur Cisco, Lucent to Expand European Workplace Innovations

Cisco and Lucent’s workplace innovations have cut their European real estate costs and increased optional flexibility. But understanding cultural nuances is a major factor in making it work. Editor’s note: Communications age workplace innovations are rapidly advancing in Europe, propelled by deregulation, exploding Internet usage and the new single currency. Two leaders in European workplace […]

March 1, 2000

New Frontiers for Facility Planners

 MARCH 2000  SITE SELECTION  NEW FRONTIERS FOR FACILITY PLANNERS • Cover Page •  Industrial Super     Projects •  Air Transport    Rails    Highways    Water Transport •  Intermodal Systems    Fresh Water Projects    Power Generation     Projects •  Hydro Power    Oil & Gas Projects    Alternate Energy     Sources •  Developing a Global     Power Grid    Environmental     Projects    Global Comm. •  Global Venues    Urban Development    High-Rise Projects    New Urban Forms •  Rapid Transit Systems    New Towns,    Redevelopment,    Mixed-Used Projects    Project Data Base […]

March 1, 2000

Whirlpool: RE Takes ‘Integrator’ Role

Whirlpool:RE Takes ‘Integrator’ Role b y     J A C K     L Y N E Consistent, quantifiable processes and savvy outsourcing are two of the keys in the dawning rise of Whirlpool’s Corporate Real Estate (CRE) unit into the role of “corporate integrator” — a value-adding effort that bagged a prestigious 1999 Best Practices […]

March 1, 2000

Q&I: PeopleSoft’s John Igoe

PeopleSoft’s John Igoe Keeps People in The High-tech Real Estate Management Equation John F. Igoe knows a thing or two about managing real estate assets in the high-tech arena. As vice president, facilities and real estate, at Pleasanton, Calif.-based PeopleSoft Corp. (, he manages a portfolio of 1.8 million sq. ft. (167,000 sq. m.) in […]

March 1, 2000

Industry Alliance Hammers Out a New Portfolio Management Model

A team of corporate real estate executives, leading academics and service providers met regularly through late 1998 and much of 1999 to craft a new portfolio management model that recognizes corporate real estate as a strategic organizational asset. What exactly is portfolio management in the corporate real estate context? Unless the concept is given some […]

March 1, 2000

Maximizing Corporate Real Estate’s Contribution to Merger and Acquisition Success

The role of business combinations, including mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances in restructuring industries and companies was a — if not the – business trend story of the 1990s. Since 1990, the worldwide value of merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions has increased over six times to US$3.4 trillion in 1999, according to Securities […]

March 1, 2000

1999 Governor’s Cup

Separated by a statistical nose, Michigan nipped California, as 1999’s record-breaking business expansion clip again demonstrated who went where for maximum site selection value. Ali vs. Frazier. Affirmed vs. Alydar. Borg vs. Conners. Those kinds of classic confrontations sprang to mind as 1999’s feverish Site Selection Governor’s Cup race wound down. Just like last year, […]

August 1, 1999

From Printed Page to Cyberspace, Site Selection Wins Multiple Apex ‘Excellence Awards’

It?s official: Site Selection?s editorial and graphic excellence now extends from the printed page to its cyberspace base. The magazine recently won awards in both categories in 1999?s ?Awards for Publications Excellence? (APEX) competition. Sponsored by Springfield, Va.-based Communications Concepts, APEX?s 11th annual global competition drew a record 4,900 entries. APEX cited SS for ?excellence […]

August 1, 1999

Essential Electronic Services for Corporate Real Estate Executives

In the coming years, one of the most important service providers to the corporate real estate profession will be a modem-equipped computer. Traditional service providers of all stripes are automating their services where possible in order to reduce their own overhead and to quench clients? thirst for convenient, customizable access to services. As corporate infrastructure […]

August 1, 1999

Lights, Camera, CIR: Video Newest IDRC Web Offering

With IDRC?s Corporate Infrastructure ResourcesSM (CIR) management concept garnering headlines in major media like The New York Times, new opportunities are opening to reinforce the association?s message to the asset management profession. Accordingly, IDRC has streamed a new video outlining membership benefits onto its newly updated Web site. In the seven-and-a-half minute video, Set Your […]

August 1, 1999

Level 3: Building a Business Power at Broadband Speed

“If you?re in a pretty strong telecom market position, you?re in a difficult situation,” says Kevin O?Hara, the intensely alert, 38-year-old COO of red-hot Level 3 Communications ( O?Hara?s words may seem to fly in the face of conventional business wisdom. Like Elvis, however, conventional wisdom has left the building. The telecom business, O?Hara explains, […]

August 1, 1999

Watching Where Your Money Goes

European Office Costs: Brussels a Bargain Brussels is Europe?s office bargain at US$29.62 per sq. ft. a year, while London, with comparable costs of $116.70, is the land of the big occupancy-cost spenders, according to CB Richard Ellis? ( recent survey. Of 17 major European cities, Rome and Vienna respectively ranked Nos. 2 and 3 […]

August 1, 1999

Telecom Infrastructure: The New Facility Backbone

In the “Information Age,” telecommunications is as much a part of a community?s backbone as is its highways, railways and waterways. Now, businesses study not only an area?s physical and human infrastructure when locating a facility, but its telecom capabilities as well. And as telecommunications activities increase in the fast-paced global economy, the need for […]

August 1, 1999

Build It Big and They Will Come: ‘Billion Dollar Babies’ Reshape the Location Landscape

Call it “physiostructure.” We might as well, since “infostructure” is now an established part of the site selection lexicon. In fact, much of this SS issue is a veritable hymn to how information infrastructure has dramatically altered where, when and how we work, transforming a 9-to-5 workplace that was as tightly defined as the facility […]

August 1, 1999

How to Select an Optimal Distribution Site

Common business wisdom used to hold that if you built a better mousetrap, the world would beat a path to your doorstep. But that was before people started shopping over the Internet and expecting almost instantaneous delivery of the products they ordered. Today, a growing number of customers demand exceptional logistics service from their vendors. […]

August 1, 1999

Workplace/Cyberspace Connection Expanding Infrastructure Integration?s Scope

Aha, Michael Jordan, so it wasn?t the shoes after all, eh? It was the work space. Or maybe it was the work space at Converse, where basketball master Jordan originally assumed he?d sign for his 1984-85 pro rookie season. Then, however, he visited Converse?s offices and decided ?they just looked traditional.? So the fiercely innovative […]

August 1, 1999

Detangling the Deregulation Web

If there?s one sure thing that you can say about utility deregulation, it?s that it?s complicated. Some states are deregulated, some aren?t, and some are in the process of deregulating. New services and products are coming online regularly, and new terms in the energy-shopping arena are popping up everyday — so many things to learn, […]

August 1, 1999

1998 Top 10 Utility Companies