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Truro:::Colchester Region —
Where Business Moves for Distribution and Logistics


ocated in the heart of Nova Scotia, Truro::: Colchester is the transportation and distribution hub of Canada's Maritime Provinces. Truro::: Colchester boasts one of the largest concentrations of transportation,distribution and manufacturing activity in Atlantic Canada, providing a strong foundation for furthergrowth in 3PL and distribution sectors.
      The nearby Port of Halifax is a strategic gateway to the American Midwest and Central Canada. Halifax ispositioning to become a major North American shipping alternative, given the increasing congestion at thecontinent's largest ports and the renewed interest in global shipping via the Suez Canal to North Americafrom the Far East. Canada's fastest growing airport, Halifax International Airport, is just 35 minutes southon Route 102. The Region is also served by Canadian National Railway's double-stack (Halifax toChicago) Laser container service into the heart of North America. Virtually all major markets across NorthAmerica and around the world are accessible by air, road, rail or sea.
      The Truro:::Colchester Region has the strategic infrastructure and geographic location to provide yourlogistics and distribution solutions in one of the lowest cost operating environments in North America.
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