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MAY 2006

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High Tech, High Touch

   Secretary Fain points to two factors he says are behind his department's performance – human resources and technology. When hiring, he says, "I look first for honesty and integrity, which are important qualities to have in your colleagues, but it's also important to the marketplace. Then, I look for high energy, tenacity and technical skills. One other thing I look for is empathy, the ability to reflectively put yourself in the client's shoes to understand not only his business but the things that are important to him on a gut level – and being able to act on that."
   On the technology side, Fain says his department has been redeploying resources by adding to the research and analytics units to better target recruitment efforts. Also, the department is redoing its Web site for better navigability and working with Cary, N.C.-based software developer SAS on the development of an integrated database and analysis system known as the Economic Development Intelligence System (EDIS). The system has four main components: (1) an economic development database of demographics, income, work force, education and other data; (2) a geographic information system for customizable mapping using underlying data; (3) analytical tools for such tasks as supply chain analysis and for studying trends and other factors that influence location decisions; and (4) an interactive, Web-based interface.
   "It will be a great tool that will be an exceptional example of how we want to use technology with a bias to research and analysis to be able to identify things that can be important to existing businesses and to make policy decisions by using the information better," says Fain. "Our aspiration is to think our way to success. EDIS will be a cost-relieving tool for our allies in the private sector who are partners in economic development, but also, very importantly, our regional and local economic development operations," he adds. All told, the Dept. of Commerce is investing about $800,000 in systems improvements.

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