"Perfect Location"
for Your Business
and for Your Family
at the Intersection
of Interstates
69 and 64,
North Warrick
Industrial Park,
Warrick County,
arrick County, located along the banks of the Ohio River in southwestern Indiana, has quickly established itself as an ideal site for business and industry. Encompassing 384 square miles, the county offers an abundance of quality real estate ranging from established industrial parks to growing commercial areas. Its recent addition is the North Warrick Industrial Park with over 230 acres of prime industrial real estate with water, sewer, electricity, gas, fiber optics, transportation system with convenient access to two interstates – 69 (NAFTA Highway that will stretch from Canada to Mexico) and 64 and much more.
The region's transportation network ensures that businesses can reach their target destinations in timely and cost-effective manners. The county's interstate, rail, water and air systems allow convenient access to the U.S. market, one-third of which is located within a day's drive.
With the area's skilled work force and business incentives, Warrick County has the access you need and the resources you require to succeed in today's global economy. In tax year 2006 payable 2007, the inventory tax is completely eliminated. Local tax phase-in program is available for real estate improvement and personal property. For training and a qualified work force, there are twelve (12) colleges and universities within an hour's drive of Warrick County. Come see what Warrick County, Indiana can do for you.