Other Staff

Laura Lyne
President & CEO

Debbie Porter

Davis Wilson
Accounting Associate

Bob Gravlee
Production Coordinator / Designer

Negin Momtaz
Art Director

Richard Nenoff
Lead Designer

Sean Scantland
Lead Designer

Ashleigh Porter

Julie Clarke
Circulation Manager

Karen Medernach
Data Services Manager

Brian Espinoza
Senior Research Associate

McKenzie Wright
Research Associate

Daniel Boyer
Director of Programming and Analytics

Mark Bertram
IT Coordinator

Daniel Monaghan
Conway Data, Inc.
Conway Data is the world’s only full-service agency in the global corporate investment industry, with a nearly 70-year-old publications division, a 50-year-old association management division, a site selection consulting division, a marketing division, and decades of event management expertise.

IAMC (Industrial Asset Management Council) is the leading professional association for corporate real estate executives focused on the needs of an industrial portfolio. Site Selection Magazine is the official publication of IAMC. Conway Data Inc. founded and manages IAMC. IAMC is the leading professional association for corporate real estate executives focused on the needs of an industrial portfolio.
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Site Selection Magazine
6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092-2901
Tel. 770-446-6996
Fax 770-263-8825
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