Microsoft’s relocation was done with very little of the cost analysis expected in traditional corporate site selection. No site selection consultants were used, and incentives apparently played no role in attracting the company to Seattle. It is easy to dismiss this choice as merely the personal whims of Bill Gates and Paul Allen. However, we contend that it actually reflected a high level of sophistication in understanding the fundamentals of their industry and in selecting the most potentially profitable location for their growing company. Microsoft’s decision highlights how different high technology companies are from much of conventional industrial or commercial business. The modern high technology concerns that we study usually have sets of business fundamentals that are quite distinct from those of more traditional industrial or commercial enterprises. These differences drive them to site selection processes and development patterns that depart considerably from the familiar best practices and metrics of “industrial age” firms. Exposed vs. Sheltered High Tech Industries Today’s dominant high technology companies are in relatively new and fast-growing segments, such as microcomputers, software, the Internet, semiconductors, and personal communications. These are exposed to turbulent environments of rapid technology, market, and competitive change. A fundamental requirement for success is the ability to execute faster and more effectively than competitors accessing the same or similar technology bases. Time to market and time to money are critical factors. Facilities, in turn, can make a positive contribution to company profitability in these areas and can even function as a profit center. A key distinguishing characteristic of the new, exposed high tech industries is their rapid and unstable growth rate. Over the past five years, some of the slowest growing industries in this segment – electronics equipment, for instance – have an average sustained growth rate of 10+ percent per annum. Semiconductors are growing at 16+ percent, microcomputer software at 30+ percent, and Internet services companies at triple digits. But this growth is often unstable. Recently, semiconductors experienced sales growth of 40 percent in one year and negative growth the next year. Rapidly growing, shrinking, and changing markets are inherent in this intensely competitive and turbulent environment. The companies thus face a very different set of fundamentals from those of traditional industrial or commercial or even high tech companies. Boom times tend to generate tremendous wealth and with it, demand for infrastructure support from the communities in which the companies are located. In communities lacking sufficient slack capacity or that are unprepared for rapid expansion, that demand translates into severe pricing pressures on local resources in short order. Similarly, a bust can quickly devastate a community overly dependent on one product type, market segment, or employer. Individual companies’ fortunes can vary more widely. Some companies that enjoyed explosive growth can achieve stability, such as America On-Line, Intel, and MCI. Many others, however, are now but footnotes in industry histories. Industry veterans know how precarious their fortunes are, and plan facilities accordingly.
‘Recycle’ Expertise Access to venture capital and sizable “surge tanks” (established firms or other start-ups) that can absorb and recycle talent from the failures without the cost and disruption of relocation can be important community competitive advantages. Many communities can support a single or even a few start-up companies, but few can sustain large clusters of companies that allow people to advance readily and change jobs as ventures come and go. While remote or rural locations can attract many high-tech professionals, the lure of major clusters is hard to ignore in the longer term. Thus, “exposed” high-tech businesses routinely experience rapid boom-and-bust cycles. Even a successful company cannot assume its success is permanent – or even long-term. These fundamentals, in turn, redefine best practices in site selection and facilities optimization. Understanding these fundamentals can significantly improve the productivity and profitability of high technology facilities and firms.
Make Facilities A Profit Center
Such analysis is technically feasible, but it requires a level of analysis and granularity of information well beyond those used in traditional site selection and analysis. Technical Approach To Site Analysis The real benefit is only realized when such factors are related to the bottom line over the entire projected life-span of the facility. Facilities Life Cycle Cost of Ownership analysis proved capable of identifying sites offering combinations of high productivity, low costs, and low risks. We also found, for example, that just a one percent difference in projected life cycle productivity for a semiconductor wafer fab wiped out the benefits of most government incentives. We have since extended our work into other types of high technology operations with similar results. Dynamic vs. Static Assessments Because many high-tech industries are such intensive users of resources and grow rapidly, a modest population of relatively successful high-tech firms can readily “tap out” a community’s resources or hit severe growth constraints. When these walls are hit and cannot be bypassed, it forces the companies involved to make expensive relocations to other communities in order to continue to grow. Unlike industrial age relocations where moves could be made relatively inexpensively, a move that disrupts the lives of key employees for a month is a substantial hit when the life of a product can be as short as six months. In our model, communities that have large resource “surge” capacities tend to come out well in life cycle costs. Second, communities that go out of their way to provide high quality services to support their local industrial base tend to score well. For example, the level of business taxation, per se, may not be as critical as the value-for-money that the firms involved receive for those taxes. Indeed, in our model, tax abatements that are likely to lower the level of critical services can raise project risks or have a negative impact on life cycle productivity. Taking this dynamic approach, our model identified the following important factors in profitability impacts on high-tech industries.
Companies selecting sites and facilities based on this approach tend not to choose the cheapest sites, but rather those offering a combination of high productivity and modest costs with low risks and considerable flexibility. Our study of semiconductor wafer fabs found that these attributes, over the life of the facility, gave companies considerably lower life cycle costs and higher profitability from their sites. In some of the cases we studied, the company chose a site that experienced so many delays that they missed market opportunities for an entire generation of products, resulting in cost overruns that greatly exceeded the incentives they received. Because much of these costs tend to be opportunity costs, they are not always obvious. Only an in-depth dynamic modeling approach has proved capable of estimating these kinds of likely differences in profitability between sites. Opportunity Costs Another source of high opportunity costs is the exponential growth rate experienced by many new high-tech product markets – from 20 percent to 100 percent or more a year. These markets grow fast and then mature with a “shake out” that ends with fairly stable market shares among the survivors. Having available product on hand to ship is critical to capturing market share during the rapid growth phases of a new product. Moreover, many high-tech products tend to “lock in” their users. Thus, for example, once a critical component or piece of software is adopted by a customer, there is a tendency to buy upgrades from the same vendor. Therefore, losing market share as a result of non-availability of a critical component or a missed schedule, can be critical in terms of both present and future profitability. All of these factors point to one key high-tech industry fundamental: high opportunity costs when schedules slip. Slipped schedules, in turn, mean both lost short-term profits as well as potential loss of future revenues. High opportunity costs mean that companies especially value speed and cycle time. In terms of the overall cost structure, conventional measures of facilities and location-related costs can be much less important than the ability of a community’s infrastructure to respond quickly to company needs. Our assessments and modeling of likely responsiveness of various sites found that there are dramatic differences in such performance. The best sites are able to respond quickly not only initially, but over the life of the project as needs and priorities change. Indeed, one of our startling observations is that sites that start out low in static rankings can, over time, exceed the performance of incumbent sites with higher initial rankings. This throws into question the value of classical site selection tools like published rankings of sites for high-tech locational decision making. Productivity First, Cost Second Do Facilities Fit the Business Plan? High technology industries exposed to intense competition have very different facility needs from traditional industrial concerns. Their needs, in turn, can best be understood in terms of infrastructure that matches their distinctive business fundamentals. These fundamentals can be summed up as: high opportunity costs, rapid business growth and change, and the need for flexibility as business plans change. Communities that understand this and can provide an infrastructure that is responsive, flexible, and tightly integrated with their local firms’ needs have an advantage over others. If a firm can achieve higher productivity than their competitors at any given cost structure at a particular location, they have a considerable advantage. Communities that offer only traditional tax incentives and other up-front bonuses to attract new firms tend to overlook these upside opportunities. Companies that select sites on the basis of a dynamic assessment have the opportunity to capture and monopolize sites that are particularly more productive and profitable. Dynamic modeling of a company’s Life Cycle Cost of Ownership clearly identifies those sites with long-term competitive advantages. SS
Dr. Danny Lam is a Research Fellow at the Economic Development Institute, Auburn University. He is also a Director of Fisher-Holstein, Inc., a strategic consulting firm specializing in high-tech issues and industries. John Kanz, an expert in microelectronics standards, is chief executive officer of Fisher-Holstein, Inc. http://fisher.holstein.home.mindspring.com | SS Online | SiteNet | Feedback | GeoSearch | ©1998 Conway Data, Inc. All rights reserved. SiteNet data is from many sources and is not warranted to be accurate or current.