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MARCH 2005

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A Composites Cluster Takes Shape

   State officials believe the project is a major step towards development of an aviation cluster in the state.
      "This story really won't be written until 10 years from now," Faith says.
      Faith says the state is already working on several projects as
Gov. Mark Sanford's hands-on approach helped seal the deal. He says his involvement in economic development is "the most important thing I do."
suppliers queue up to serve Vought and Global Aeronautica. He says the state is also now on the short list of some aviation-related companies that previously weren't considering South Carolina. As for suppliers, some want to be close, but that's not a prerequisite for all.
      Vought and Global Aeronautica will use composites in their fuselage construction, so the Charleston project bodes well for the percolating composites sector in South Carolina. Researchers at Clemson, the University of South Carolina and South Carolina State University are heavily involved in composites research. Clemson is home to the Composites Manufacturing Technology Center.
      "An interesting spin from the composite side of things is that South Carolina also has a strong automotive cluster and some auto interests have been brought to bear," Faith says.
      Giordo says Charleston gives Alenia a U.S. manufacturing beachhead and the city will be in the running for future expansion projects.
      "We are looking at this investment as a first step because we are also involved in the defense market in addition to the civil market," Giordo says. "Apart from participating in all the major aeronautical programs, Alenia North America also has the objective to sell its products to the Dept. of Defense."
      The decision to expand in Charleston or look elsewhere could come by 2006, say Giordo, who says Alenia's North American operations will continue to be headquartered in Washington, D.C.

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