As keepers of the corporate real estate in this competitive environment, CRE professionals continually focus on facility efficiency and expense management. Intertwined with the cost aspect is the continuing spotlight on environmental responsibility. With the pressures from a) within our corporate houses, b) the communities in which we operate, as well as c) environmental groups, the continual hot-ticket item we must consider is that of greening the corporate real estate portfolio.
Certainly, increasing corporate funds are being allocated on new technologies which are designed to reduce operating costs and improve the quality of life within our facilities and the communities impacted by our operations. Though debates continue to rage over how much capital should be employed in the greening process, there is little debate over greening upgrades and projects that have a direct and somewhat immediate benefit to the bottom line. However, many proposed projects require paying much closer attention to analyzing the true benefit before committing capital.
While greening projects can definitely draw much positive press for our organizations, the question to be debated is at what cost? That is where a balance must be struck. Corporate real estate professionals have both the fiduciary responsibility to manage the real estate portfolio and a moral responsibility to our communities and to ourselves to do the right thing all the time. It may certainly be tempting at times to embrace greening at its fullest; but we must never lose sight of the fiduciary aspect of portfolio management. To do so would compromise us and our organizations.
I believe the key to opening that green door lies with embracing proven technology and applying it in a way that has a positive effect over both the near and long term. We owe it to our companies, communities, ourselves and the generations to follow. That’s the ultimate bottom line.
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“I have been a member of IAMC for four years. While I originally joined to increase my network – which I have – the greatest benefit has been an increased knowledge of what drives the corporate real estate executive and their decisions. That helps me service my clients more effectively. Our company prides itself in bringing value beyond the transaction. IAMC does this for me.”
– David F. Cuda President & Chief Operating Officer Red Rock Developments, LLC
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– Tim Chase President/CEO Wichita Falls Board of Commerce and Industry
After tying with its regional rival Cincinnati last year, metro Louisville, Kentucky, has taken the crown as top metro in this year’s Ohio River Corridor rankings.
Kids’ bikes and scooters can’t compete with a Boeing 787 or a BMW 4-Series in the expensive-transportation arena. And Kent International doesn’t try to compete with Boeing and BMW on the economic impact of their new facilities, either.