From Site Selection magazine, November 2004
Expanded Bonus Web Edition

Massachusetts Dept. of Business
Ranch Kimball, Secretary

Legislature okayed $2.5 billion bond bill for transportation projects. Approved transportation reform legislation aimed at improving delivery of transportation services. Gov. Mitt Romney vetoed an anti-outsourcing bill.

Michigan Economic Dev. Corp.
Don Jakeway, President and CEO, 517-335-4590


        The Michigan Economic Growth Authority program was given more muscle, allowing jobs at multiple work sites to count toward the minimum total required for a company to receive benefits. Legislation was passed to allow the MEDC to designated tax-free zones for eligible tool and die companies.

Department of Employment & Economic Dev.
Matt Kramer, Commissioner, 800-657-3858


        The merger of the Department of Economic Security and the Department of Employment and Economic Development was approved.
        Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced plan to make state a leader in renewable fuels with a goal of reducing state gas consumption by 50 percent through increased use of ethanol and hybrid vehicles. He also hopes to establish the University of Minnesota as a national center of biofuels excellence.

Mississippi Development Authority
Leland R. Speed, Exec. Dir., 800-340-3323


        Gov. Haley Barbour's plan to eliminate Employment Security Commission and overhaul work force training in the state was approved. The Tort Reform Act puts limits on damage awards in lawsuits.

Department of Econ. Development
Kelvin L. Simmons, Dir., 573-751-4962


        The new Jobs Now economic development program allows use of $15 million to help retrain existing workers by advancing their skills to keep up with technology upgrades by their employer. Jobs Now also calls for Enhanced Enterprise Zones in areas of low-income residents and high unemployment that will offer tax incentives to businesses wanting to locate or expand in those areas.

Continue to: Montana . . .

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