November 28, 2012
“We Will Live By This”
Tennessee: “We Will Live By This”
November 28, 2012
Tennessee: “We Will Live By This”
November 28, 2012
Montana ended the last fiscal year on June 30 with more than $453 million in surplus funds, the second highest amount in state government history.
November 27, 2012
Honda likes Ohio. Since November 2010, the company has announced investments totaling more than US$500 million in operations at its two auto plants and two powertrain plants in the state. Ron Lietzke, a spokesman for Honda in the U.S., says the investment is about strengthening the companies operations in Ohio and implementing new technologies.
November 19, 2012
The onset of the holiday season in mid-November brings two treats for the gourmand: the arrival of Beaujolais Nouveau and the harvest of clementine oranges. But only one of those fits in a stocking.
November 19, 2012
The stricter regulatory climate governing suppliers of dietary supplements has been a boon for Vitality Works, a liquid herbal extracts company based in Albuquerque, N.M.
November 19, 2012
Puerto Rico’s recently changed tax scheme is just one of many topics under the microscope after an election that has produced a new governor and a groundbreaking call for a status upgrade.
November 19, 2012
The largest integrated health care system in the United States is in the midst of the biggest infrastructure improvement program it’s seen since the end of World War II.
November 16, 2012
From financial services and insurance firms to retailers and restaurants, Columbus, Ohio, provides a safe haven for corporate management. Jeff Lyttle, region executive for JP Morgan Chase, says the global financial services firm has found the business climate it prefers in Columbus.
November 16, 2012
How can investment promotion agencies differentiate themselves from their competitors? What tools can they use — should they use — to achieve this goal? What are considered best practices today in communicating to potential investors an area’s strategic value? These were among the topics covered in a September Red Hot Locations event in London, the FDI International Marketing & Communications Seminar.
November 14, 2012
Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is one of Asia’s final frontier markets and investment destinations.
November 14, 2012
In 2014, voters will be asked whether the region should remain part of the United Kingdom or go it alone.
November 14, 2012
Fifteen years after the Thai government shrewdly relaxed monetary policy and allowed its currency, the baht, to drop against the dollar, corporations investing in Thailand are reaping the benefits, accessing a low-cost and educated work force at the crossroads of Asia.
November 14, 2012
Companies seeking a high-tech manufacturing location in Germany can drastically shorten their search now that First Solar’s site is becoming available in Frankfurt (Oder), on the Polish border.
November 14, 2012
Malaysia has long been a haven for high-tech companies, with several maintaining operations there for decades. They are staying in Malaysia to take advantage of the country’s forward-thinking approach to keeping these companies from relocating elsewhere in the region.
November 14, 2012
Airbus adds Mobile, Ala., to its global network of passenger aircraft assembly plants, adding velocity to the northern Gulf Coast’s aerospace sector. On July 2, 2012 Airbus announced that the Brookley Aeroplex on Mobile Bay would be the site of the European aerospace giant’s newest final assembly plant — and its first in the United States — for production of the A320 family of passenger aircraft.
November 12, 2012
Site Selection’s annual examination of corporate facility projects locating over an 18-month period in counties abutting the Ohio River found 301 projects that cumulatively accounted for more than US$8.1 billion in corporate investment between July 2011 and August 2012.
November 12, 2012
China economy and society are rapidly changing, requiring Western businesses to adapt.
November 12, 2012
Canada’s largest financial center is climbing global rankings thanks in part to a unique and healthy dialogue between regulators and the regulated.
November 8, 2012
Food's Future: A growing number of states want evidence of results to drive decisions about tax incentives for economic development.
November 7, 2012
The High Desert region of San Bernardino County is proving to be an oasis of business opportunity for companies seeking to expand their manufacturing and distribution operations in Southern California.
November 7, 2012
To accurately measure an incentive’s results, states need to consider whether businesses receiving benefits would have made the same investments had the tax break not existed. When the Minnesota Legislative Auditor’s office studied the state’s Job Opportunity Building Zones program, for example, it found that about 80 percent of the jobs created by companies receiving incentives would have been created even without the help.
November 7, 2012
As the global economy struggles to recover from the worst recession in recent memory, persistent high unemployment and low investment have begun to redefine the way economic development policy makers think about employment goals. The simple but harsh math of economic development starts with a basic premise: There can be no job growth before first retaining existing employment.
November 1, 2012
Contact: Mark Arend (770) 325-3425 tel (770) 263-8825 fax Suite 200 6625 The Corners Parkway Norcross, GA 30092 • USA Press Release Site Selection Names Top State Business Climates Atlanta, November 1, 2012: Site Selection magazine has named North Carolina as the state with the Top Business Climate for 2012. As revealed in the […]
October 31, 2012
If you’ve just launched the nation's first specialized, bundled insurance program for commercial-scale solar installations, it only makes sense to try it out yourself first.