Newly appointed as Mississippi’s first executive director of the Office of Workforce Development, Ryan Miller is making sure the state continues to provide a pipeline of talent to Mississippi employers.
Highlights from Site Selection ? October/November 1997 Case Study: Nortel Builds a New HQ — and a ‘New City’ Global power Nortel shattered the mold with its new headquarters, moving 3,000 key knowledge workers from Class A high-rises to a reconverted, one-story, 1960s’ factory in Brampton, a Toronto suburb. What’s more, it created a workplace […]
The more things change the more they stay the same, goes the saying. Access to a skilled work force remains the No. 1 priority of corporate site seekers, according to a recent Site Selection survey of economic development (ED) groups and service providers. This has been the case for years, and as long as unemployment […]