his year’s crop of client-service award winners had two features in common: a demonstrated ability to exceed corporate real estate clients’ service expectations and a profound understanding of how those expectations are evolving. The Site Selection/William Dorsey Service Provider Awards, now in their sixth year, recognize those organizations that not only claim to be client-focused […]
Manufacturing the energy-saving, electronically tintable glass used in commercial building windows and skylights “is a very capital-intensive business,” according to an industry insider presiding over a corporate facility expansion in Minnesota.
ith more than 80 manufacturing facilities around the globe, plus thousands of retail operations, the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has plenty of real estate to oversee. Looking for a way to increase efficiencies in its asset management procedures, Goodyear is now the beta test site for a new product from Intuit, the Mountain View, […]
TexasEDConnection communities are an important part of the workforce development fabric set to receive $5 billion in state higher education funding over the next two years.